A new day…

Plan to be steady with my blog again, if only on a weekly or monthly (at worst) basis. I’m still working on crafts, though a little different these days, and I’m doing photography as well. I’m a mental health therapist, wife, and now mother of two. Our second little one is just two months old. So, I’ll be posting pics and stories as I can, and am looking forward to getting back to the blog world, if only for a small portion of my time. In the meantime, check out my FB page for photography to see what I’ve been up to… http://www.facebook.com/shootsngiggles

Eventual Project Idea

So, I was sifting through all of my Pinterest pins and found this one that had a statement about using wrapping paper as a backdrop for photos (which I have done, btw). I wanted to see what this person had to say about it so I followed the link to find, not only is it fabric that is used for the backdrop in the image, but also a super cool project for documenting baby’s growth from birth through the first year (and beyond, if you so elect). Anyway, being pregnant now myself, I am giving serious consideration to doing such a project when baby is born. 🙂 Check it out! http://www.younghouselove.com/2011/05/the-clara-photo-project-continues-sorta/clara project


So, it’s been forEVER since my last post – like TWO YEARS!!!! And I’m shocked to see that people are still visiting my blog! Crazy! so, I just happened upon revisiting my blog and wonder if I shouldn’t start again? A lot has happened since the last post. I’ve switched from creating jewelry (although I still do on occasion) and I have dabbled in lots of other creative outlets! I painted slates, burned wood, painted wine glasses, made coasters, and found LOTS of inspiration on Pinterest (love that site)!!! Most of all, three months ago, I got back to a craft I departed from in 2006…PHOTOGRAPHY. So far, it has been a great success and it has started to become much, much more than a hobby in quite a short amount of time. In that short time, I’ve done more than 30 portrait sessions and already have many bookings for the coming year. Some say it’s my calling. Some say it’s my destiny. Sounds silly to hear those things because I always want to be better than I am, but I did pray heavily about the decision and it has turned out to be more blessed than I could have imagined!
With all that said, I still plan to continue doing other crafts. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t! But, I think I will alter my blog a bit…might create another and keep this one too…but one to showcase my photographic journey. I will let you know if that happens, but I think it’s a good next step for the new year. 🙂 Thank you for visiting this blog. Thank you for your comments. Thank you for your support and encouragement! My creative pursuits are my passion in life and without them life would not be LIFE! So, thank you for being a part, no matter how big or small, in my life’s journey! My daughter is growing and she is by far, the most beautiful creation I’ve experience so far! GOD IS A SUPREME ARTIST! If you want to check out my photography, please do so through Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/shootsngiggles

“George” visits, girl codes, fads, fashions and other reflections from a mom as she watches her daughter grow.

My daughter, a toddler, is learning words right now and she recently started saying, “Wow! Wow! Cool!”

Time warp… I’m 15, in 9th grade, and my best friend and I are goofy. We talk like “Valley Girls,” need ways to talk about our monthly friend in code, so we affectionately name him, “George.”

Why, “George?” I’m not exactly sure. Perhaps it was just the first goofy name we could think of. But, it had to be a guy because no female would ever be so cruel and demanding toward another female. We came up with other code names to identify various “George necessities”, such as, “hot dog” and “hamburger”.

We had conversations about who is coming to visit and what we are having for lunch, or we discuss meals we might be hungry for. We’d talk about when “George” is coming, how long he typically visits, whether he overstays his welcome and what his personality is like…if he is really nice or mean, if we barely see him, or if he won’t leave us alone. Code – It gave us a way to safely communicate in our own language and allowed us to connect and bond as females as we experienced life’s changes.

Ahhhh, the days gone by! When we were twitterpated about a boy, mortified because the teacher asked us WHY we needed the pass to go to the bathroom when “George” was visiting, when we tried to get the pass to go to the bathroom and went out of our way to wave at friends and boyfriends through the slim rectangular window in the classroom door while class was in session, when we got excited about school dances, when cell phones and texting didn’t exist and passing notes was cool, when we carried Esprit purses, wore K-Swiss shoes, talked in pig latin, and had our make-up in Kaboodles! We learned the words to every song on the radio and everyone knew the Roger Rabbit, The Butt, Cotton-eyed Joe, and swooned over NKOTB.  

Being a girl was so much fun and now that I’m a mom I get to see my own daughter eventually go through her own teenage years. It’s a long way off yet, but I look forward to seeing what her code words will be, what she will get excited or embarrassed about, what fashions will be all the rage, and what music and dancing she’ll enjoy. She’s only a year old now, but I’m sure that it will seem like it was just yesterday when the time finally comes.

What fun it will be fun to see what the future holds! Wow! Wow! Cool! 🙂

Creative Treats and Fun For Halloween

Halloween is on it’s way and I thought it might be fun to post some creative ideas. Over the course of the next two weeks, I plan to post recipes and ideas for treats that you can enjoy or give to the “goblins” that come to your door, appetizers for the friends you may have over for dinner or game night, crafts for the home, crafts for the kids, themed gifts, and unique decorating ideas. If you are not the crafty kind, I’ve included links to items available to purchase from my Etsy friends. Hope you enjoy my Spook-tacular week!



 And now, onto …..YuMmmm –> Candy By Vanessa!!!  Specifically, White Chocolate Candy Corn Bark. 

A Delicious Halloween Treat! 1 pound for $13.00

She’s got more treats in her store, but this just looked so colorful and fun that it is what I chose.  Culinary arts are her passion.  Check out what else she has to offer too by clicking here.  You will find things like biscotti, chocolate covered pretzels and more!

Cool Decorating idea — A Jack-O-Lantern Switch Plate Cover!  (Minimal handy-man skills required for installation)

Great Idea for those who enjoy truly having a THEME in their home!

 Switch Plate Cover is available from “Turn Me On Art” on Etsy for only $10!
 Many other styles are offered…check them out now by clicking here!!!
 Next up… A fun craft to do with your kids!

Super Cute Idea for Kids Parties!!!!

Well, that’s all for tonight!  I think that was a decent way to kick off the week!  Let me know if you liked any of these, or if you have requests for more in any area! 


After a long hiatus, I am back! In the time since my last post, we FINALLY solidified our house plans – didn’t end up being the plans I posted, but we built our home and moved out of my parents house…woohoo! I love them, but all good things come to an end, including the hospitality of parents. I also changed jobs AND we had our first child!!! We had a beautiful daughter and we’ve been busy, but it is all very, very good and we are VERY, VERY BLESSED!

I’m back in the saddle again and I am making jewelry after way too long! I did two craft shows the past two weekends and the new area we live in is proving to be quite different from Maryland! Rural America HAS to have people who enjoy quality jewelry…I just have yet to find them and where they live. hahaha. The two craft shows that I did were profitable, and although not as much as I would have liked, they brought in cash that I didn’t have before the shows, so I am happy. The other thing that has happened is that my Aunt Barb started making jewelry with me. We get together every Friday and craft together. It’s quite enjoyable to have crafting company! Having a baby has changed things as well…making time for my crafting is arranged around the baby’s schedule, which is challenging at times, but I’ve found it has made me more productive! I think that the saying stays true… “If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.”

With my new job, I’ve returned to my educational roots and I’m back to being a professional counselor. I really enjoy where I work at and the people are great…not to mention that the stress levels are better than my job at Alfred Angelo! One month after I changed jobs, we got pregnant! We are trying again for a second baby now, so we shall see what life has planned. 🙂

It’s late, so I’m off to bed, but I’m back and I believe that it is finally for good…ahhh, it is good to be back! Hope some of you are still out there!!!

Plans…what happens to them when LIFE HAPPENS.

So, it has now been about NINE months since we moved from Maryland to Pennsylvania. N-I-N-E. The economy has put a bit of a kink in our original plans, but we keep plugging along.

In those nine months, my job has changed, our house plans have changed, and the weather has changed. I loved my job at Alfred Angelo Bridal, but it consumed most of my time and I had little left for my faith, family or my friends, so I made a difficult decision to find other work. So, I am back to mental health — something I did for 7.5 years before I left Pennsylvania for Maryland. I’m counseling and it’s nice. I have lots of time for the things I was missing out on and I even have time for me. 🙂 I still miss my Afred Angelo job…think of it a lot, and sometimes it even brings me to tears — I know, I’m a sap. But, I truly enjoyed the work, the people, and I did well at it. I just didn’t like the whole, “eat, sleep, breathe work” part. So, I’m still accepting it and I’m working on moving on. I think that will only come in time. I’ve never had a job I enjoyed that much before, so this is very different for me.

On other matters, our house plans have changed a bit. The floor plans anyway. We are still planning to build, but as we have time to explore our options and different builders, our plans have evolved. It’s frustrating to watch our house sit on the market, and it’s frustrating to feel a bit “stuck” in limbo with our living arrangements too, but I am hopeful that it will all work out. I am happy to see the mortgage rates are dropping…one benefit for us. Also, it gives us lots of time to make a calculated decision and to prepare without rushing into anything. I’m doing my best to look on the bright side, because it is easy to fall victim to the negatives and I don’t like how I get when I go there.

The weather is finally warming up here, which is really nice to see. We were outside this past weekend. I planted some flower seeds on a bank across the road from the house. It will be interesting to see if they turn into anything. The seeds were mostly from a near ancient collection that my mother had put together. Heh, heh. I planted a multitude of flowers…now it’s just a waiting game…hmmmm – sounds familiar!

Also a new mention since my last entry, I have started working as an independent beauty consultant for Mary Kay Cosmetics. So far, it’s going really well and I’m looking forward to using the money for a down payment on the house when we finally build. 🙂

Well, until next time…I’ll be enjoying the weather…It’s supposed to get warmer as the week progresses! WooHoo!!!

Two home plans we are considering at this point in time. are below:

Cape With Wrap-Around Porch

Cape With Wrap-Around Porch

Log Cabin

Log Cabin